[openjms-developer] JNDI name without dots
Mario Antollini
2004-04-12 14:13:09 UTC

I have recently downloaded OpenJMS. I am currently working on a research
project in which I need to use many Notification Services. I have noticed
that OpenJMS cannot bind topics that contains a dot in its jndiName. Putting
it into another words, I need to add some topic destinations at runtime
which may contain "." in its name (e.g. "Ontology.Car.CarInfo"), they are
added to the server (I can see them using the Administration GUI) but they
can't be found by the jndiContext.

I just want to know if I am doing something wrong or I am right. Besides,
I'd like to know whether this error can be easily corrected or it is due to
some design decisions and it will never be corrected.

Thankfully, Mario E. Antollini

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